Utah Day 3 (LOTS OF VR's)

November 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Cedar Breaks National Monument view to the west

Day 3 three started with an early morning car drive through Zion in route to Bryce Canyon.  I was eager to get to see Zion in the light as I came in the night before.  You just can't help but just stare as the light washed the rocks and brings out the color.  I think this was the first turnout I could get to here.   The differnce here in southern Utah form say the Grand Canyon is everything is looking up at color.  You almost feel like walking anywhere and everywhere (not me...62 and a bum knee) cause its all accessible from the well paved roads.  The GC is walking around a whole in the ground and looking down inward.  In the next paragraph I will explain the hole in the ground called Bryce Canyon.  This VR is exiting Zion in route to Bryce Canyon.  This is a two hour drive which I turned into a 3 hour drive stopping many times to take photos along the way.  Exit Zion here.  

I pulled over within a half hour as a colorful canyon caught caught my eye back to the east.  Here is the quick stop VR.  It was fools gold compared to Bryce Canyon but I was a kid in a candy shop by this time.  The next was Orderville.  Small town but on my way out I noticed a small sign pointing up the dirt road that the the local Little League Field.  I passed it and the little voice in my head said "Go Back".  While it was a little rough to look at I quickly ran to home plate and took the next VR.  The view from home plate looking out to those massive mountains would distract me.  It would have been a great backdrop for Uncle Rico to brag about throwing a (in this case) baseball over those mountains.  Here is the view.  

Bryce Canyon is incredible. Since I dilly-dallied to get here it put me in a bind for sun as I had decided to spend sunset at Cedar Breaks National Monument.  I only got a third of the way into Bryce.  I am so impressed with the national parks in Utah!!  Bryce is so easy to drive and walk.  It is like walking around the GC but not as deep and different colors.  The first two stop were Sunrise Point and Sunset Point.  Each one has its strengths for viewing.  View #1 for Sunrise point is here.  View #2 is here.  View for Sunset Point is here.   Bryce Point is a heart thumping walk up.  I did not make it to the very top cause my heart was pounding and little kids passed me effortlessly so I took the quickest view point to save my pride.  Here is where I chose to make this VR.  I was feeling kinda rushed and almost went right by the last turn off call Paria Point.  Glad I stopped here cause the view did not disappoint.  The VR is here.  Off to the next park.


Cedar Breaks National Monument is a small park but is has a summit point that sits at 10,333 feet elevation and it is breathtaking view for a sunset.  I had done some studying and reading of photographing the area and Cedar Breaks was mentioned several times.  I had the point to myself except for a view drive by tourists.  The image at he top is the sunset result.  Oh did I mentioned it was 38 degrees!!  No gloves, no coat, but I had the will power to stick it out.  When I got back in the car to leave there was a herd of mule deer that I could have petted they were so close.  VR is here.  This was an 18 day for me and I was exhausted hence being late on posting.  Day 4 next.


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